Why Is NIRF Ranking Important for Higher Education Institutions?

NIRF Ranking

India is globally known for its diversified education system and authorities are taking every possible step to maintain the world-class quality and infrastructure. One such attempt to improve the quality of education and public accountability of institutions is the NIRF accreditation system, which adds credibility to the degree programs and courses. NIRF (National Institute Ranking Framework) was rolled out to introduce a well-defined ranking system for higher education institutions, making it a key decision criterion for admissions. It helps students find the best universities and motivates colleges to strive hard to enhance their services. Also, it eliminates complacency in institutes as they make every effort to offer quality education to students.

To make you understand the significance of NIRF, we have listed a few benefits of this accreditation and ranking system. Take a look to know more:

  • Sets Standards for Education Programmes
    NIRF has laid down clear and accurate guidelines for education courses offered and HEIs have to meet the set standards. The ranking system scans every aspect of providing quality education, be it academic or non-academic, and the matrices for ranking are quantity-based. Thus, establishing clear and precise norms for all the key areas. Once a ranking cycle is complete, a detailed report that includes all the information is prepared by the college and published on the website for the public to review. Thus, making the process transparent and fair.
  • Helps Students Make Informed Decisions
    India preens itself with over 40000 higher education institutions. And each of them claims to be better than the others. This certainly puts students in a dilemma when they have to choose the right college for higher studies. They consider a lot of factors and aspects before applying for admission. This is where NIRF comes to the rescue with its comprehensive evaluation system that includes different parameters required to make an insightful decision. To select the top college for admission, students can check all the points and the NIRF ranking to analyze institutions’ excellence.
  • Criteria for Institution of Eminence (IoE) Scheme
    NIRF accreditation is one of the primary criteria to assess HEIs for the Institution of Eminence (IoE) scheme. IoE gives institutions and colleges the autonomy to carry out their academic and administrative activities independently. Moreover, they are free to collaborate with foreign education institutions without any restrictions or government approvals. If eligible for IoE, public institutes also get funding of ₹1,000 crores.
  • Improves Global Ranking of Institutions
    Although India has thousands of colleges and HEIs, most of them fail to attain a position in the global ranking. However, the NIRF ranking system motivates institutions to improve their quality of services and education according to the set standards. This further enhances their performance at the international level and offers better career opportunities to students.
  • Provides Accurate Feedback
    Colleges need regular feedback from an authorized committee to point out their weaknesses else they often get ignorant of their performances. NIRF ranking ensures constant feedback to HEIs to help them understand the areas they need to work on. Institutions can take necessary corrective measures to improve those weak points and achieve excellence.


Summing It Up

NIRF ranking offers multiple advantages for institutions as they push themselves to be in the upper echelons of the education world. This also means that the public view the top-ranked colleges and HEIs in high regard and more students apply for admissions to those institutes.

Achieving NIRF ranking is not easy and you need to work in different areas of your educational institutions. CollPoll offers an all-inclusive solution to improve academic, admission, examination, and assessment processes. We aim at resolving digital compliance and other complexities of HEIs with our AI-based platform.

To seek further details, connect with our team now and request a free demo!